Ma, M., Wu, J., Post, C., Shi, T., Yi, J., Schmitz, T., and Wang, H., 2024, A Physics-informed Machine Learning-based Control Method for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Highly Noisy Measurements, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control, in progress.
Pack, R., Bohling, J., Kincaid, J., Schmitz, T., and Compton, B., 2024, Additive Friction Stir Deposition of Multi-layer Aluminum-silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Composites, Additive Manufacturing Letters, under review.
Zameroski, R., Gomez, M., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Drill Wear Monitoring using a Constrained-motion Drilling Dynamometer and Aluminum Witness Sample, Manufacturing Letters, under review.
Karandikar, J., Chaudhuri, A., Penney, J., Goodspeed, D., Tyler, C., Smith, S., Schmitz, T., and Jared, B., 2024, Process Parameter Selection in Additive Manufacturing using Bayesian Optimization: A Comparison of Methods and Recent Advances, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, under review.
Alberts, M., St. John, S., Odie, S., Khojandi, A., Jared, B., Schmitz, T., Karandikar, J., Coble, J., 2024, Transitioning from Simulation to Reality: Applying Chatter Detection Models to Real-World Machining Data, Machines, accepted.
Cornelius, A., Karandikar, J., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Bayesian Stability and Force Modeling for Uncertain Machining Processes, npj Advanced Manufacturing, accepted.
Shi, T., Ma, M., Wu, J., Post, C., Charles, E., and Schmitz, T., 2024, AFSD-Physics: Exploring the Governing Equations of Temperature Evolution during Additive Friction Stir Deposition by a Human-AI Teaming Approach, Manufacturing Letters, accepted.
Metz, P.C., Miller, L., Kincaid, J., Charles, E., Wood, A.T., Sims, Z.C., Sean M, D., Houston, A., Bunn, J., Compton, B.G. and Schmitz, T., 2025, Through-Thickness Microstructure and Residual Stress Distributions in Additive Friction Stir Deposited Aluminum 7075, Additive Manufacturing, preprint available.
Daehn, G., Blue, C., Johnson-Bey, C., Lewandowski, J.J., Mahoney, T., Okwudire, C., Rossman, T., Schmitz, T. and Silveston, R., 2024, Emerging Opportunities in Distributed Manufacturing: Results and Analysis of an Expert Study, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 1-15.
Coble, J., Alberts, M., St. John, S., Odie, S., Khojandi, A., Jared, B., Schmitz, T., Karandikar, J., 2024, Data-driven Framework for Predicting Machining Stability: Employing Simulated Data, Operational Modal analysis, and Enhanced Transfer Learning, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Ojal, N., Copenhaver, R., Cherukuri, H., Schmitz, T., Devlugt, K., Jaycox, A., and Beith, K., 2024, Modeling Modulated Tool Path Machining Using Coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element Method, Manufacturing Letters, 41: 626-632.
Dvorak, J., Gilmer, D., Zameroski, R., and Schmitz, R., 2024, Milling Infiltrated Carbon-bonded Carbon Fiber: Geometric Attributes, Surface Characteristics, and Feasibility, Manufacturing Letters, 41: 429-434.
Ngo, A., Kohlhorst, N., Fialkova, S., Jared, B., Schmitz, T., Daehn, G., Carter, J., Cao, J., Lewandowski, J., 2024, Mechanical Property Improvements of LPBF-AlSi10Mg via Forging to Modify Microstructure and Defect Characteristics, Manufacturing Letters, 41: 568–574.
Schmitz, T., Charles, E., and Compton, B., 2024, Analytical Temperature Model for Spindle Speed Selection in Additive Friction Stir Deposition, Manufacturing Letters, 41: 720-729.
Wilson, N., Patterson, R., Charles, E., Landis, M., Kincaid, J., Garcia, R., Corson, G., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Hybrid Manufacturing Cost Models: Additive Friction Stir Deposition, Measurement, and CNC Machining, Manufacturing Letters, 41: 320-333.
Poon, T., West, J., Betters, E., Smith, S., Tyler, C., Nycz, A., Masuo, C., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Machine Tool Cross Beam Design, Fabrication, and Testing using Metal Big Area Additive Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, 41: 850-861.
Pollard, D., Nazario, J., Son, J., Woodard, T., Gomez, M., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Process Damping Force Model Calibration using In Situ Velocity, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 55: 16-27.
Shi, T., Wu, J., Ma, M., Charles, E., and Schmitz, T., 2024, AFSD-Nets: A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Model for Predicting the Temperature Evolution during Additive Friction Stir Deposition, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 146/8: 081003.
Smith, S., Schmitz, T., Feldhausen, T. and Sealy, M., 2024, Hybrid Metal Additive/Subtractive Machine Tools and Applications, CIRP Annals, 73: 615-638.
Cornelius, A. Karandikar, J., Tyler, C., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Process Damping Identification using Bayesian Learning and Time Domain Simulation, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 146/8: 081002.
Zameroski, R., Ramsauer, C., Habersohn, C., Bleicher, F., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Flexure-based Torque and Thrust Force Drilling Dynamometer with Hall Effect Sensor Displacement Measurement, CIRP Annals, 73/1: 281-284.
Schmitz, T., 2024, Milling Stability Modeling by Sample Partitioning with Chatter Frequency-Based Test Point Selection, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 8: 109.
Schmitz, T., 2024, Physics-informed KNN Milling Stability Model with Process Damping Effects, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 120: 1124-1129.
Alberts, M., St. John, S., Jared, B., Karandikar, J., Khojandi, A., Schmitz, T. and Coble, J., 2024. Chatter Detection in Simulated Machining Data: A Simple Refined Approach to Vibration Data, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-17,
Swan, R., Penney, J., Corson, G., Nazario, J., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Surface Location Error in Robotic Milling: Effect of Combined Low Frequency and High Frequency Vibration Modes, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 49: 203-215.
Charles, E., Kincaid, J., Cornelius, A., Miller, L., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Structural Aerospace Component Case Study for Additive Friction Stir Deposition: Path Planning, Metrology, and CNC Machining, Procedia CIRP, 121: 204-209.
Metz, P.C., Franz, C., Kincaid, J., Schmitz, T., Lass, E.A., Babu, S.S. and Page, K., 2024, Heterogeneous Microstructure Development in Additive Friction-Stir Deposited Al-Mg-Si Alloy, Additive Manufacturing, p.103989.
Rezaei, S., Cornelius, A., Karandikar, J., Schmitz, T., and Khojandi, A., 2024, Using GANs to Predict Milling Stability from Limited Data, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,
Corson, G., Tyler, C., Dvorak, J., and Schmitz, T., 2024, Minimum Cost, Stability Constrained Preform Optimization for Hybrid Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, 39: 1-5.
Shokrani, A., Dogan, H., Burian, D., Nwabueze, T., Kolar, P., Liao, Z., Sadek, A., Wang, P., Pavel, R., and Schmitz, T., 2023, Sensors for In-process and On-machine Monitoring of Machining Operations, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 51: 263-292.
Jared, B., Schmitz, T., Penney, J., Cornelius, A., Zameroski, R., Miramontes, E., Quigley, T., Goodspeed, D., Hamel, W., 2023, Hybrid Metal Manufacturing of Large Freeform Geometries, Procedia CIRP, 121: 210-215.
Vogl, G., Qu, Y., Eischens, R., Corson, G., Schmitz, T., Honeycutt, A., Karandikar, J., and Smith, S., 2023, Cutting Force Estimation from Machine Learning and Physics-inspired Data-driven Models Utilizing Accelerometer Measurements, Procedia CIRP, 17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Naples, Italy, July 12-14, 2023.
Daehn, G.S., Cao, J., Lewandowski, J., Schmitz, T., and Sankar, J., 2023, Introducing NSF’s Hammer Engineering Research Center: Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing Moving from Evolution to Revolution (HAMMER), JOM, 75: 971-974.
Ma, M., Ren, A., Tyler, C., Karandikar, J., Gomez, M., Shi, T. and Schmitz, T., 2023, Integration of Discrete-event Dynamics and Machining Dynamics for Machine Tool: Modeling, Analysis and Algorithms, Manufacturing Letters, 35: 321-332.
Jacobs, L., Dvorak, J., Cornelius, A., Zameroski, R., No, T. and Schmitz, T., 2023. Structured Light Scanning Artifact-based Performance Study, Manufacturing Letters, 35: 873-882.
Kincaid, J., Zameroski, R., Charles, E., No, T., Bohling, J., Compton, B., and Schmitz, T., 2023, Hybrid Manufacturing by Additive Friction Stir Deposition, Metrology, CNC Machining, and Microstructure Analysis, Manufacturing Letters, 35: 549-556.
Schmitz, T., 2023, A Geometric Approach to Milling Stability Uncertainty, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 105: 307-312.
West, J., Betters, E., and Schmitz, T., 2023, Limited-constraint WAAM Fixture for Hybrid Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, 37: 66-69.
Schmitz, T., Corson, G., Olvera, D., Tyler, C. and Smith, S., 2023. A Framework for Hybrid Manufacturing Cost Minimization and Preform Design, CIRP Annals, 72/1: 373-376.
Kincaid, J., Charles, E., Garcia, R., Dvorak, J., No, T., Smith, S., and Schmitz, T., 2023, Process Planning for Hybrid Manufacturing using Additive Friction Stir Deposition, Manufacturing Letters, 37: 26-31.
Dvorak, J., Gilmer, D., Zameroski, R., Cornelius, A., and Schmitz, T., 2023, Freeform Hybrid Manufacturing: Binderjet, Structured Light Scanning, Confocal Microscopy, and CNC Machining, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 7: 79.
Ramsauer, C., Leitner, D., Habersohn, C., Schmitz, T., Yamazaki, K., and Bleicher, F., 2023, Flexure-based Dynamometer for Vector-valued Milling Force Measurement, Journal of Machine Engineering, 23: 5-14.
St. John, S., Alberts, M., Karandikar, J., Coble, J., Jared, B., Schmitz, T., Ramsauer, C., Leitner, D., and Khojandi, A., 2023, Predicting Chatter Using Machine Learning and Acoustic Signals from Low Cost Microphones, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Corson, G., Karandikar, J., and Schmitz, T., 2023, Physics-informed Bayesian Machine Learning Case Study: Integral Blade Rotors, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 85: 503-514.
Schmitz, T., Costa, L., Canfield, B.K., Kincaid, J., Zameroski, R., Garcia, R., Frederick, C., Rossy, A.M., and Moeller, T.M., 2023, Embedded QR Code for Part Authentication in Additive Friction Stir Deposition, Manufacturing Letters, 35: 16-19.
Greis, N.P., Nogueira, M.L., Bhattacharya, S., Spooner, C., and Schmitz, T., 2022, Stability Modeling for Chatter Avoidance in Self-Aware Machining: An Application of Physics-Guided Machine Learning, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI.
Karandikar, J., Chaudhuri, A., Smith, S., Schmitz, T., and Willcox, K., 2022, Process Window Estimation in Manufacturing through Entropy-Sigma Active Learning, Manufacturing Letters, 34: 87-92.
Schmitz, T., Betters, B., Budak, E., Yüksel, E., Park, S., and Altintas, Y., 2022, Review and Status of Tool Tip Frequency Response Function Prediction using Receptance Coupling, Precision Engineering, 79: 60-77.
Dvorak, J., Cornelius, A., Corson, G., Zameroski, R., Jacobs, L., Penney, J. and Schmitz, T., 2022, A Machining Digital Twin for Hybrid Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, 33: 786-793.
Schmitz, T., Cornelius, A., Dvorak, J., Nazario, J., Betters, E., Corson, G., Smith, S., Blue, C., Harmon, J., Morrison, M. and Blevins, T., 2022, America’s Cutting Edge CNC Machining and Metrology Training, Manufacturing Letters, 33: 927-934.
Nazario, J., No, T., Gomez, M., Corson, G. and Schmitz, T., 2022, Dynamic Force and Stability Prediction for Milling using Feed Rate Scheduling Software and Time-domain Simulation, Manufacturing Letters, 33: 355-364.
Cornelius, A., Jacobs, L., Lamsey, M., McNeil, L., Hamel, W. and Schmitz, T., 2022, Hybrid Manufacturing of Invar Mold for Carbon Fiber Layup using Structured Light Scanning, Manufacturing Letters, 33: 133-142.
Shen, J.J., Patterson, M.R., Marshall, E., Dvorak, J., Romberg, S., Compton, B. and Schmitz, T., 2022, Effects of Surface Treatments on ABS Mechanical Properties from Fused Filament Fabrication, Manufacturing Letters, 33: 719-731.
Karandikar, J., Chaudhuri, A., No, T., Schmitz, T., and Smith, S., 2022, Bayesian Optimization for Inverse Calibration of Expensive Computer Models: A Case Study for Johnson-Cook Model in Machining, Manufacturing Letters, 32: 32-38.
Ojal, N., Cherukuri, H.P., Schmitz, T.L., Devlugt, K.T. and Jaycox, A.W., 2022, A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach that Eliminates the Non-uniqueness Associated with the Johnson-Cook Parameters Obtained using Inverse Methods, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120(3): 2373-2384.
Schmitz, T., Cornelius, A., Karandikar, J., Tyler, C., and Smith, S., 2022, Receptance Coupling Substructure Analysis and Chatter Frequency-informed Machine Learning for Milling Stability, CIRP Annals, 71: 321-324.
Karandikar, J., Saleeby, K., Feldhausen, T., Kurfess, T., Schmitz, T., and Smith, S., 2022. Evaluation of Automated Stability Testing in Machining through Closed-loop Control and Bayesian Machine Learning, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 181: 109531.
Ramsauer, C., Oswald, R., Schörghofer, P., Leder, N., Schmitz, T., and Bleicher, F., 2022, Primary Testing of an Instrumented Tool Holder for Brush Deburring of Milled Workpieces, Journal of Machine Engineering, 22/2: 99-107.
Bhattacharyya, A., Schmitz, T., Payne, S., Choudhury, P., Schueller, J.K, 2022, Introducing Engineering Undergraduates to CNC Machine Tool Error Compensation, Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 5: 100089.
Ojal, N., Copenhaver, R., Cherukuri, H., Schmitz, T., Devlugt, K., and Jaycox A., 2022, A Realistic Full-scale 3D Modeling of Turning using Coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element Method, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 6: 33.
Gomez, M. and Schmitz, T., 2022, Stability Evaluation for a Damped, Constrained-motion Cutting Force Dynamometer, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 6: 23.
West, J., Betters, E., Schmitz, T., Smith, S., Roschli, A., Nuttall, D., Lindahl, J., and Love, L., 2022, Rethinking Production of Machine Tool Bases: Polymer Additive Manufacturing and Concrete, Manufacturing Letters, 31: 33-35.
Zameroski, R., Gomez, M., and Schmitz, T., 2022, Geometry-based, Gaussian Profile Model for Optical Knife-edge Displacement Sensor, Precision Engineering, 73: 470-476.
Copenhaver, R., Smith, S., and Schmitz, T., 2021, Surface Prediction and Measurement for Modulated Tool Path (MTP) Turning, Manufacturing Letters, 29: 74-78.
Gomez, M., Honeycutt, A., and Schmitz, T., 2021, Hybrid Manufactured Dynamometer for Cutting Force Measurement, Manufacturing Letters, 29: 65-69.
Cornelius, A., Dvorak, J., Jacobs, L., Penney, J., and Schmitz, T., 2021, Combination of Structured Light Scanning and External Fiducials for Coordinate System Transfer in Hybrid Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 68: 1824-1836.
Cornelius, A., Karandikar, J., Gomez, M., and Schmitz, T., 2021, A Bayesian Framework for Milling Stability Prediction and Reverse Parameter Identification, Procedia Manufacturing, 53: 760-772.
No, T., Gomez, M., and Schmitz, T., 2021, Contributions of Scanning Metrology Uncertainty to Milling Force Prediction, Procedia Manufacturing, 53: 213-222.
No, T., Gomez, M., Karandikar, J., Heigel, J., Copenhaver, R., and Schmitz, T., 2021, Propagation of Johnson-Cook Flow Stress Model Uncertainty to Milling Force Uncertainty using Finite Element Analysis and Time Domain Simulation, Procedia Manufacturing, 53: 223-235.
Titu, N.A., Baucum, M., No, T., Trotsky, M., Karandikar, J., Schmitz, T.L. and Khojandi, A., 2021, Estimating Johnson-Cook Material Parameters using Neural Networks, Procedia Manufacturing, 53: 680-689.
Gomez, M., Corson, G., Heikkenen, E., Sisco, K., Haines, M. and Schmitz, T., 2021, Biologically-inspired Rib Designs for Captured Powder Damping in Additive Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, 28: 35-41.
Karandikar, J., Schmitz, T. and Smith, S., 2021, Physics-guided Logistic Classification for Tool Life Modeling and Process Parameter Optimization in Machining, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 59: 522-534.
Bhattacharyya, A., Schueller, J.K, Mann, B., Schmitz, T., and Gomez, M., 2021, Uncertainty Propagation through an Empirical Model of Cutting Forces in End Milling, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 143: 071002-1.
Karandikar, J., Honeycutt, A., Schmitz, T., and Smith, S., 2020, Stability Boundary and Optimal Operating Parameter Identification in Milling using Bayesian Learning, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 56/B: 1252-1262.
Gomez, M., No, T., Smith, S., and Schmitz, T., 2020, Cutting Force and Stability Prediction for Inserted Cutters, Procedia Manufacturing, 48: 443-451.
Karandikar, J., Schmitz, T., and Smith, S., 2021, Logistic Classification for Tool Life Modeling in Machining, Procedia CIRP, 101: 106-109.
Schmitz, T., 2020, Modal Interactions for Spindle, Holders, and Tools, Procedia Manufacturing, 48: 457-465.
Gomez, M., No, T., and Schmitz, T., 2020, Digital Force Prediction for Milling, Procedia Manufacturing, 48: 873-881.
Gomez, M. and Schmitz, T., 2020, Low-cost, Constrained-motion Dynamometer for Milling Force Measurement, Manufacturing Letters, 25: 34-39.
Schmitz, T., Gomez, M., Honeycutt, A., Karandikar, J., Shim, J., Ro, S.-K., and Hwang, J., 2020, Uncertainty Evaluation for Twist Drilling Stability Model, Precision Engineering, 66: 324-332.
Altintas, Y., Stepan, G., Budak, E., Schmitz, T., Zekai, M.K., 2020, Chatter Stability of Machining Operations, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 142: 110801-1.
Schmid, S., Wang, J., Saha, P., and Schmitz, T., 2020, Developments in Tribology of Manufacturing Processes, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 142: 111002-1.
Schmitz, T., Gomez, M., Ray, B., Heikkenen, E., Sisco, K., Haines, M., and Osborne, J.S., 2020, Damping and Mode Shape Modification for Additively Manufactured Walls with Captured Powder, Precision Engineering, 66: 110-124.
Betters, E., West, J., Noakes, M., Nycz, A., Smith, S., and Schmitz, T., 2020, Dynamic Stiffness Modification by Internal Features in Additive Manufacturing, Precision Engineering, 66: 125-134.
Schmitz, T., Betters, E., and West, J., 2020, Increased Damping through Captured Powder in Additive Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, 25: 1-5.
Copenhaver, R. and Schmitz, T., 2020, Modeling and Simulation of Modulated Tool Path (MTP) Turning Stability, Manufacturing Letters, 24: 67-71.
Salehi, M. Wald, G., Schmitz, T., Haas, R., and Ovtcharova, J., 2020, Probabilistische Modellierung und Vorhersage der Standzeit und Zuverlässigkeit eines Fräswerkzeugs mittels der Bayesianischen Statistik, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Springer Verlag, 1-11.
Salehi, M., Wald, G., Jeretin-Kopf, M., Blum, M., Schmitz, T., Haas, R., and Ovtcharova, J., 2019, Entwicklung eines probabilistischen Modells zur Vorhersage von Schnittkräften beim unterbrochenen Drehen von Inconel 718, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 83/1: 91-99.
No, T., Gomez, M., Copenhaver, R., Uribe Perez, J., Tyler, C., and Schmitz, T., 2019, Force and Stability Modeling for Non-standard Edge Geometry Endmills, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141(12): 121002.
Pawar, A. and Schmitz, T., 2019, Pressure Uncertainty Analysis for Wound Irrigation Devices, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 34(3): 403-411.
Schmitz, T., Honeycutt, A., Gomez, M., Stokes, T.M., and Betters, E., 2019, Multi-point Coupling for Tool Point Receptance Prediction, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 43: 2-11.
Beasock, D., Stokes, T.M., El-Ghannam, A., and Schmitz, T., 2019, Effect of Processing Parameters on the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of a Silicon Carbide-Silica Composite, Procedia Manufacturing, 34: 747-753.
Cherukuri, H., Perez-Bernabeu, E., Selles, M.A., and Schmitz, T., 2019, A Neural Network Approach for Chatter Prediction in Turning, Procedia Manufacturing, 34: 885-892.
No, T., Gomez, M., Copenhaver, R., Uribe Perez, J., Tyler, C., and Schmitz, T., 2019, Scanning and Modeling for Non-standard Edge Geometry Endmills, Procedia Manufacturing, 34: 305–315.
Gomez, M. and Schmitz, T., 2019, Displacement-based Dynamometer for Milling Force Measurement, Procedia Manufacturing, 34:867-875
Kossack, C., Ziegert, J., and Schmitz, T., 2019, The Sliding Friction Contact Frequency Response Function, Procedia Manufacturing, 34: 73-82.
Cherukuri, H., Perez-Bernabeu, E., Selles, M.A., and Schmitz, T., 2019, Machining Chatter Prediction using a Data Learning Model, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Special Issue on Machine Tool Dynamics, 3/2: 45.
Salehi, M., Schmitz, T., Copenhaver, R., Haas, R., and Ovtcharova, J., 2019, Probabilistic Sequential Prediction of Cutting Force using Kienzle Model in Orthogonal Turning Process, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141/1: 011009.
Cong, D.C., Hwang, J., Shim, J., Ro, S.-K., and Schmitz, T., 2019, Effects of a Drawbar Design and Force on Multipurpose Aerostatic Spindle Dynamics, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 144: 103424.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2019, Milling Bifurcations for Strongly Asymmetric, Symmetric, and Weakly Asymmetric System Dynamics, Precision Engineering, 55: 1-13.
Kossack, C., Ziegert, J., and Schmitz, T., 2019, Energy Based Friction Force Analysis, Precision Engineering, 55: 88-94.
Hammond, V.H., Luckenbaugh, T.L., Aniska, M., Gray, D.M., Smeltzer, J.A., Hornbuckle, B.C., Marvel, C.J., Solanki, K.N., Schmitz, T. and Darling, K.A., 2018, An Insight into Machining of Thermally Stable Bulk Nanocrystalline Metals, Advanced Engineering Materials, 20/12: 1800405.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2018, Milling Bifurcations: A Review of Literature and Experiment, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140/12: 120801.
Copenhaver, R., Smith, S., and Schmitz, T., 2018, Stability Analysis of Modulated Tool Path Turning, Annals of the CIRP, 67/1: 49-52.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2018, Receptance Coupling Model for Variable Dynamics in Fixed-free Thin Rib Machining, Procedia Manufacturing, 26: 173-180.
Gomez, M., Heigel, J., and Schmitz, T., 2018, Force Modeling for Hybrid Manufacturing, Procedia Manufacturing, 26: 790-797.
Vieira Junior, M., Baptista, E.A., Araki, L., Smith, S., and Schmitz, T., 2018, The Role of Tool Presetting in Milling Stability Uncertainty, Procedia Manufacturing, 26: 164-172.
Salehi, M., Schmitz, T., Copenhaver, R., Haas, R., and Ovtcharova, J., 2018, Probabilistic Sequential Prediction of Cutting Forces using Kienzle models in Orthogonal Turning Process, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 141/1: 011009.
Salehi, M., Schmitz, T., Copenhaver, R., Haas, R., and Ovtcharova, J., 2018, Probabilistic Prediction of the Cutting and Ploughing Forces using Extended Kienzle Force Model in Orthogonal Turning Process, Procedia CIRP, 77: 90-93.
Karandikar, J., Tyler, C., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2018, An Analytical Framework for Optimal Milling Parameter Selection, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory, and Algebra, 27/3: 417-439.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2017, Surface Location Error and Surface Roughness for Period-n Milling Bifurcations, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139/6: 061010 (8 pages), http://doi:10.1115/1.4035371.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2017, Analytical Solutions for Fixed-free Beam Dynamics in Thin Rib Machining, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 30: 41-50,
Kiran, K., Satyanarayana, H., and Schmitz, T., 2017, Compensation of Frequency Response Function Measurements by Inverse RCSA, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 121: 96-100.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2017, A Study of Milling Surface Quality during Period-2 Bifurcations, Procedia Manufacturing, 10: 183-193.
Copenhaver, R., Rubeo, M., Guzorek, S., Landge, S., Smith, K.S., Ziegert, J., and Schmitz, T., 2017, A Fundamental Investigation of Modulated Tool Path Turning Mechanics, Procedia Manufacturing, 10: 159-170.
Rubeo, M. and Schmitz, T., 2017, Amplitude Ratio: A New Metric for Milling Stability Identification, Procedia Manufacturing, 10: 351-362.
Lu, C., Ellis, J., Burnam-Fay, E., Schmitz, T., and Tarbutton, J., 2017, Periodic Error Compensation in Fiber-coupled Heterodyne Interferometry, Procedia Manufacturing, 10: 674-682.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2017, Milling Stability Interrogation by Subharmonic Sampling, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139/4: 041009 (9 pages),
Kiran, K., Rubeo, M., Cengiz Kayacan, M., and Schmitz, T., 2017, Two Degree of Freedom Frequency Domain Surface Location Error Prediction, Precision Engineering, 48: 234–242,
Rubeo, M. and Schmitz, T., 2016, Milling Force Modeling: A Comparison of Two Approaches, Procedia Manufacturing, 5: 90-105.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2016, Experimental Validation of Period-n Bifurcations in Milling, Procedia Manufacturing, 5: 362-374.
Menezes, J., Rubeo, M., Kiran, K., Honeycutt, A., and Schmitz, T., 2016, Productivity Progression with Tool Wear in Titanium Milling, Procedia Manufacturing, 5: 427-441.
Tyler, C., Troutman, J., and Schmitz, T., 2016, A Coupled Dynamics, Multiple Degree of Freedom Process Damping Model, Part 1: Turning, Precision Engineering, 46: 65-72,
Tyler, C., Troutman, J., and Schmitz, T., 2016, A Coupled Dynamics, Multiple Degree of Freedom Process Damping Model, Part 2: Milling, Precision Engineering, 46: 73-80,
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2016, A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Period-n Bifurcations in Milling, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139/1: 011003 (11 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4034138.
Rubeo, M. and Schmitz, T., 2016, Mechanistic Force Model Coefficients: A Comparison of Linear Regression and Nonlinear Optimization, Precision Engineering, 45: 311-321, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2016.03.008.
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2016, A New Metric for Automated Stability Identification in Time Domain Milling Simulation, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138/7: 074501 (7 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4032586.
Lu, C., Troutman, J., Schmitz, T., Ellis, J., Tarbutton, J., 2016, Application of the Continuous Wavelet Transform in Periodic Error Compensation, Precision Engineering, 44: 245-251, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2016.01.008.
Ransom, T., Honeycutt, A., and Schmitz, T., 2016, A New Tunable Dynamics Platform for Milling Experiments, Precision Engineering, 44: 252-256,
Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2015, The Extended Milling Bifurcation Diagram, Procedia Manufacturing, 1: 466-476.
Chang, K., Chaudhuri, A., Rue, J., Haftka, R., and Ifju, P., Tyler, C., Ganguly, V., Schmitz, T., 2015, Improving the Fabrication Process of Micro-air-vehicle Flapping Wings, AIAA Journal, 53/10: 3039-3048, doi: 10.2514/1.J053884.
Schmitz, T., 2015, Investigation of Retention Knob Geometry on Machining Dynamics, Procedia Manufacturing, 1: 578-583.
Kolar, P., Fojtu, P, and Schmitz, T., 2015, On Cutting Force Coefficient Model with Respect to Tool Geometry and Tool Wear, Procedia Manufacturing, 1: 708-720.
Schmitz, T., 2015, The Microphone Feedback Analogy for Chatter in Machining, Shock and Vibration, 2015, 2015: 976819,
Hupman, A., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2015, Incentives Versus Value in Manufacturing Systems: An Application to High-Speed Milling, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36:20-26, doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2015.02.004.
Tyler, C., Troutman, J., and Schmitz, T., 2015, Radial Depth of Cut Stability Lobe Diagrams with Process Damping Effects, Precision Engineering, 40: 318-324, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2014.11.004.
Childs, T., Tyler, C., Evans, C., Schmitz, T., Paul, E., and Browry, E., 2014, Estimation of Cutting Conditions in Precision Micromachining of CuNi Alloys of Varying Composition, Procedia CIRP, 14:383-388, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.03.020.
Karandikar, J., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Remaining Useful Tool Life Predictions in Turning using Bayesian Inference, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, 4/2: 025,
Karandikar, J., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Application of Bayesian Inference to Milling Force Modeling, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136/2: 021017, doi:10.1115/1.4026365,
Karandikar, J., Mcleay, T., Turner, S., Schmitz, T., 2014, Tool Wear Monitoring using Naïve Bayes Classifiers, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 75/5-8
Karandikar, J., Tyler, C., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Value of Information-Based Experimental Design: Application to Process Damping in Milling, Precision Engineering, 38/4: 799-808.
Graziano, A., Ganguly, V., Schmitz, T., and Yamaguchi, H., 2014, Control of Lay on Cobalt Chromium Alloy Finished Surfaces Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing and Its Effect on Wettability, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136: 031016, doi:10.1115/1.4026935,
Karandikar, J., Traverso, M., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Bayesian Inference for Milling Stability using a Random Walk Approach, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136: 031015, doi:10.1115/1.4027226,
Ganguly, V. and Schmitz, T., 2014, Phase Correction for Frequency Response Function Measurements, Precision Engineering, 38: 409–413,
Troutman, J., Evans, C., Ganguly, V., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Performance Evaluation of a Vibration Desensitized Scanning White Light Interferometer, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2: 014011,
Karandikar, J., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Tool Life Prediction using Bayesian Updating, Part 1: Milling Tool Life Model using a Discrete Grid Method, Precision Engineering, 38: 9-17,
Karandikar, J., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2014, Tool Life Prediction using Bayesian Updating, Part 2: Turning Tool Life using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach, Precision Engineering, 38: 18-27,
Ganguly, V., Schmitz, T., Graziano, A., and Yamaguchi, H., 2013, Force Measurement and Analysis for Magnetic Field-Assisted Finishing, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 135/4: 041016, doi:10.1115/1.4023723,
Ganguly, V. and Schmitz, T., 2013, Spindle Dynamics Identification using Particle Swarm Optimization, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 15/4: 444–451,
Karandikar, J., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2013, Tool Life Prediction using Random Walk Bayesian Updating, Machining Science and Technology, 17/3: 410-442,
Tyler, C. and Schmitz, T., 2013, Analytical Process Damping Stability Prediction, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 15: 69-76,
Kim, H.S. and Schmitz, T., 2013, Shear Strength Evaluation of Hydroxide Catalysis Bonds for Glass-Glass and
Glass-Aluminum Assemblies, Precision Engineering, 37: 23-32,
Karandikar, J., Kim, N.H., and Schmitz, T., 2012, Prediction of Remaining Useful Life for Fatigue-damaged Structures using Bayesian Inference, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 96: 588-605,
Karandikar, J., Schmitz, T., and Abbas, A., 2012, Spindle Speed Selection for Tool Life Testing Using Bayesian Inference, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31/4:403-411,
Argibay, N., Susil, G., Ingley, C., Schmitz, T., Sawyer, W.G., and Bourne, G., 2012, In Situ Surface Hardening during Turning via Pyrolytic Carburization, Precision Engineering, 36/4: 668-672,
Ozturk, E., Kumar, U., Turner, S., and Schmitz, T., 2012, Investigation of Spindle Bearing Preload on Dynamics and Stability Limit in Milling, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 61/1: 343-346,
Kumar, U. and Schmitz, T., 2012, Spindle Dynamics Identification for Receptance Coupling Substructure Analysis, Precision Engineering, 36/3: 435-443,
Schmitz, T., Adhia, C., and Kim, H.S., 2012, Periodic Error Quantification for Non-constant Velocity Motion, Precision Engineering, 36/1: 153-157,
Bediz, B., Kumar, U., Schmitz, T., and Ozdoganlar, O.B., 2011, Modeling and Experimentation for Three-dimensional Dynamics of Endmills, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 53/1: 39-50,
Schmitz, T., Karandikar, J., Kim, N.H., and Abbas, A., 2011, Uncertainty in Machining: Workshop Summary and Contributions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 133/5: 051009,
Ganguly, V., Kim, N.H., Kim, H.S., and Schmitz, T., 2011, Sensitivity Analysis of Periodic Error in Heterodyne Interferometry, Measurement Science and Technology, 22/3: 035305,
Kumanchik, L., Schmitz, T., and Pratt, J., 2011, Simultaneous Normal and Torsional Force Measurement by Cantilever Surface Contour Analysis, Measurement Science and Technology, 22: 055103,
Graziano, A. and Schmitz, T., 2011, Sensor Design and Evaluation for On-machine Probing of Extruded Tool Joints, Precision Engineering, 35: 525–535,
An, D., Choi, J., Kim, N.H, and Schmitz, T., 2011, In-Situ Monitoring and Prediction of Progressive Joint Wear Using Bayesian Statistics, Wear, 270: 828-838,
Kumanchik, L., Schmitz, T., and Pratt, J., 2011, An Interferometric Platform for Studying AFM Probe Deflection, Precision Engineering, 35: 248-257,
Schluchter, C., Ganguly, V., Chu, D., and Schmitz, T., 2011, Low Velocity Compensation for First Order Periodic Error Caused by Beam Shear, Precision Engineering, 35: 241-247,
Zhang, J., Schmitz, T., Zhao, W., and Lu, B., 2011, Receptance Coupling for Dynamics Prediction of a Fluted Tool, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 24/3: 340-345.
Houck III, L., Schmitz, T., and Smith, K.S., 2011, Tuned Holder for Increased Boring Bar Dynamic Stiffness, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 13: 24-29,
Mukras, S., Kim, N.H., Mauntler, N., Schmitz, T., and Sawyer, W.G., 2010, Comparison between Elastic Foundation and Contact Force Models in Wear Analysis of Planar Multibody System, ASME Journal of Tribology, 132/3: 31604 (1-11),
Bhattacharyya, A., Schueller, J., Mann, B., Ziegert, J., Schmitz, T., Taylor, F., and Fitz-Coy, N., 2010, A Closed Form Mechanistic Model for Helical Peripheral Milling of Ductile Metallic Alloys, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 50: 538-551,
Kim, H.S., Schmitz, T., and Beckwith, J., 2010, A New Heterodyne Interferometer with Zero Periodic Error and Tunable Beat Frequency, Part 1: Initial Design and Verification, Journal of Optics Research, 11/3: 213-244.
Kim, H.S., Schmitz, T., and Rueff, M., 2010, A New Heterodyne Interferometer with Zero Periodic Error and Tunable Beat Frequency, Part 2: Size Reduction, Journal of Optics Research, 11/3: 245-256.
Kim, H.S. and Schmitz, T., 2010, Periodic Error Calculation from Spectrum Analyzer Data, Precision Engineering, 34: 218-230,
Schmitz, T., 2010, Torsional and Axial Frequency Response Prediction by RCSA, Precision Engineering, 34: 345-356,
Mukras, S., Kim, N.H., Mauntler, N., Schmitz, T., and Sawyer, W.G., 2009, Analysis of Planar Multibody Systems with Revolute Joint Wear, Wear, 268/5-6: 643-652,
Mukras, S., Kim, N.H., Mauntler, N., Schmitz, T., and Sawyer, W.G., 2009, Modeling a Slider-Crank Mechanism with Joint Wear, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems, 2/1: 600-612.
Schmitz, T., Chu, D., and Kim, H.S., 2009, First and Second Order Periodic Error Measurement for Non-constant Velocity Motions, Precision Engineering, 33: 353-361,
Zapata, R., Schmitz, T., Traverso, M., and Abbas, A., 2009, Value of Information and Experimentation in Milling Profit Optimization, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 2/5-6: 580-599.
Abbas, A., Yang, L., Zapata, R., and Schmitz, T., 2009, Application of Decision Analysis to Milling Profit Maximisation: An Introduction, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 35/1-2: 64-88.
Kurdi, M., Schmitz, T., Haftka, R., Mann, B., 2009, Milling Optimization of Removal Rate and Accuracy with Uncertainty – Part 1: Parameter Selection, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 35/1-2: 3-25.
Kurdi, M., Schmitz, T., Haftka, R., Mann, B., 2009, Milling Optimization of Removal Rate and Accuracy with Uncertainty – Part 2: Parameter Variation, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 35/1-2: 22-46.
Bourne, G., Bardt, J., Sawyer, W.G., Ziegert, J., Zeenberg, D., and Schmitz, T., 2009, Closed Channel Fabrication Using Micromolding of Metallic Glass, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209/10: 4765-4768,
Filiz, S., Cheng, C.-H, Powell, K., Schmitz, T., and Ozdoganlar, O., 2009, An Improved Tool-Holder Model for RCSA Tool-Point Frequency Response Prediction, Precision Engineering, 33: 26–36,
Kurdi, M., Haftka, R., Schmitz, T., and Mann, B., 2008, A Robust Semi-analytical Method for Calculating the Response Sensitivity of a Time Delay System, Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics, 130/6,
Schmitz, T., Gardner, N., Vaughn, M., Medicus, K., and Davies, A., 2008, Improving Optical Bench Radius Measurements Using Stage Error Motion Data, Applied Optics, 47/36: 6692–6700,
Lightcap, C., Hamner, S., Schmitz, T., and Banks, S., 2008, Improved Positioning Accuracy of the PA10-6CE Robot with Geometric and Flexibility Calibration, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24/2: 452-456,
Mauntler, N., Schmitz, T., and Ziegert, J., 2008, The Influence of Process Variation on a Cortical Bone Interference Fit Pin Connection, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 130/2: 024501,
Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., Canning, J.S., and Zapata, R., 2008, Case Study: A Comparison of Error Sources in Milling, Precision Engineering, 32/2: 126–133,
Kim, H.S. and Schmitz, T., 2008, An Investigation of Uncertainty in Impact Testing, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36/5.
Cheng, C.-H., Duncan, G.S., and Schmitz, T., 2007, Rotating Tool Point Frequency Response Prediction using RCSA, Machining Science and Technology, 11/3: 433-446,
Bardt, J., Bourne, G., Ziegert, J., Schmitz, T., and Sawyer, W.G., 2007, Micromolding Three-Dimensional Amorphous Metal Structures, Journal of Materials Research, 22/2: 339-343,
Kim, H.S. and Schmitz, T., 2007, Bivariate Uncertainty Analysis for Impact Testing, Measurement Science and Technology, 18: 3565-3571,
Schmitz, T. and Kim, H.S., 2007, Monte Carlo Evaluation of Periodic Error Uncertainty, Precision Engineering, 31/3: 251-259,
Kumanchik, L. and Schmitz, T., 2007, Improved Analytical Chip Thickness Model for Milling, Precision Engineering, 31/3: 317-324,
Schmitz, T., Powell, K., Won, D., Duncan, G.S., Sawyer, W.G., and Ziegert, J., 2007, Shrink Fit Tool Holder Connection Stiffness/Damping Modeling for Frequency Response Prediction in Milling, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47/9: 1368-1380,
Schmitz, T., Couey, J., Marsh, E., Mauntler, N., and Hughes, D., 2007, Runout Effects in Milling: Surface finish, Surface Location Error, and Stability, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 841-851,
Canning, J.S., Ziegert, J., and Schmitz, T., 2007, Coordinate Metrology Uncertainty Using Parallel Kinematic Techniques, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 658-665,
Schmitz, T., Chu, D. and Houck III, L., 2006, First Order Periodic Error Correction: Validation for Constant and Non-constant Velocities with Variable Error Magnitudes, Measurement Science and Technology, 17: 3195-3203,
Schmitz, T. and Mann, B., 2006, Closed Form Solutions for Surface Location Error in Milling, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46: 1369-1377,
Ziegert, J., Stanislaus, C., Schmitz, T., and Sterling, R., 2006, Enhanced Damping in Long Slender Endmills, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 8/1: 39-47,
Schmitz, T., Houck III, L., Chu, D., and Kalem, L., 2006, Bench-top Setup for Validation of Real Time, Digital Periodic Error Correction, Precision Engineering, 30: 306-313,
Schmitz, T. and Duncan, G.S., 2006, Receptance Coupling for Dynamics Prediction of Assemblies with Coincident Neutral Axes, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 289/4-5: 1045-1065,
Sawyer, W.G., Ziegert, J., Schmitz, T., and Barton, T., 2006, In-Situ Lubrication with Boric Acid: Powder Delivery of an Environmentally Benign Solid Lubricant, Tribology Transactions, 49: 284-290,
Schmitz, T. and Duncan, G.S., 2005, Three-Component Receptance Coupling Substructure Analysis for Tool Point Dynamics Prediction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127/4: 781-790,
Davies, A. and Schmitz, T., 2005, Correcting for Stage Error Motions in Radius Measurements, Applied Optics, 44/28: 5884-5893,
Schmitz, T., Action, J., Ziegert, J., and Sawyer, W.G., 2005, The Difficulty of Measuring Low Friction: Uncertainty Analysis for Friction Coefficient Measurements, Journal of Tribology, 127: 673-678,
Duncan, G.S., Tummond, M., and Schmitz, T., 2005, An Investigation of the Dynamic Absorber Effect in High-Speed Machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45: 497-507,
Mann, B., Young, K., Schmitz, T., and Dilley, D., 2005, Simultaneous Stability and Surface Location Error Predictions in Milling, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127: 446-453,
Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., Burns, T., Dutterer, B., and Winfough, W., 2004, Tool-Length Dependent Stability Surfaces, Machining Science and Technology, 8/3: 377-397,
Schmitz, T., Action, J., Burris, D., Ziegert, J., Sawyer, W.G., 2004, Wear Rate Uncertainty Analysis, Journal of Tribology, 126: 802-808 (2004 Best Paper Award),
Schmitz, T., Dagata, J., Dutterer, B., and Sawyer, W., 2004, A Multi-Scale Fabrication Approach to Microfluidic System Development, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 6/1: 88-96.
Schmitz, T., Action, J., Burris, D., Ziegert, J., Sawyer, W., 2004, Measurement Uncertainty in Tribological Wear Rate Testing, SME Technical Paper TP04PUB183, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, 32: 343-350.
Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., and Stanislaus, C., 2004, A Method for Predicting Chatter Stability for Systems with Speed-Dependent Spindle Dynamics, SME Technical Paper TP04PUB182, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, 32: 17-24.
Davies, M., Yoon, H., Schmitz, T., Burns, T., and Kennedy, M., 2003, Calibrated High Resolution Thermal Microscopy of the Tool-Chip Interface in Machining, Machining Science and Technology, 7: 167-190,
Schmitz, T., Davies, A., Evans, C., and Parks, R., 2003, Silicon Wafer Thickness Variation Measurements using the NIST Infrared Interferometer, Optical Engineering, 42/8: 2281-2290.
Schmitz, T., 2003, Chatter Recognition by a Statistical Evaluation of the Synchronously Sampled Audio Signal, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 262/3: 721-730.
Schmitz, T., 2002, Automatic Trimming of Machining Stability Lobes, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 42: 1479-1486,
Schmitz, T., Medicus, K., and Dutterer, B., 2002, Exploring Once-per-revolution Audio Signal Variance as a Chatter Indicator, Machining Science and Technology, 6/2: 215-233,
Schmitz, T. and Beckwith, J., 2002, An Investigation of Two Unexplored Periodic Error Sources in Differential-Path Interferometry, Precision Engineering, 27/3: 311-322,
Schmitz, T. and Beckwith, J., 2002, Acousto-optic Displacement-Measuring Interferometer: A New Heterodyne Interferometer with Angstrom-Level Periodic Error, Journal of Modern Optics, 49/13: 2105-2114,
Schmitz, T., Evans, C., Davies, A., and Estler, W.T., 2002, Uncertainty in Interferometric Radius Measurements, Displacement Uncertainty in lnterferometric Radius Measurements, Annals of the CIRP, 51/1: 451-454,
Schmitz, T., Davies, M., and Kennedy, M., 2001, Tool Point Frequency Response Prediction for High-Speed Machining by RCSA, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123: 700-707,
Schmitz, T., Davies, M., Medicus, K., and Snyder, J., 2001, Improving High-Speed Machining Material Removal Rates by Rapid Dynamic Analysis, Annals of the CIRP, 50/1: 263-268,
Schmitz, T., Davies, M., Dutterer, B., and Ziegert, J., 2001, The Application of High-Speed CNC Machining to Prototype Production, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41: 1209-1228,
Schmitz, T. and Donaldson, R., 2000, Predicting High-Speed Machining Dynamics by Substructure Analysis, Annals of the CIRP, 49/1: 303-308,
Schmitz, T. and Ziegert, J., 2000, Dynamic Evaluation of Spatial CNC Contouring Accuracy, Precision Engineering, 24/2: 99-118,
Schmitz, T. and Ziegert, J., 1999, Examination of Surface Location Error Due to Phasing of Cutter Vibrations, Precision Engineering, 23/1: 51-62,
Schmitz, T. and Ziegert, J., 1999, A New Sensor for the Micrometer-Level Measurement of 3-D, Dynamic Contours, Measurement Science and Technology, 10/2: 51-62 (1999 Highly Commended Article),
Schmitz, T. and Ziegert, J., 1998, Premachining CNC Contour Validation, Precision Engineering, 22/1: 10-18,