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Captured powder damping in additive manufacturing

West, J., Betters, E., and Schmitz, T., 2020, Captured powder damping in additive manufacturing, American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 20-22 (virtual).


Stability analysis with uncertainty for twist drilling

Schmitz, T., Gomez, M., Honeycutt, A., Karandikar, J., Shim, J., Ro, S.-K., and  Hwang, J., 2020, Stability analysis with uncertainty for twist drilling, American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 20-22 (virtual).


Milling force measurement using a low-cost, constrained-motion dynamometer

Gomez, M. and Schmitz, T., 2020, Milling force measurement using a low-cost, constrained-motion dynamometer, American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 20-22 (virtual).


Comparison of dynamic stiffness in tombstone materials

Betters, E., West, J., and Schmitz, T., 2020, Comparison of dynamic stiffness in tombstone materials, American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 20-22 (virtual).



Experimental Evaluation of Phase Digitizing Nonlinearity Correction in Heterodyne Interferometry

Ganguly, V., Schmitz, T., White, D., and Yun, J., 2012, Experimental Evaluation of Phase Digitizing Nonlinearity Correction in Heterodyne Interferometry, Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 21-October 26, San Diego, CA.

Experimental Evaluation of Phase Digitizing Nonlinearity Correction in Heterodyne Interferometry Poster

Machine Tool Genome Project Case Study

Schmitz, T. and Dutterer, B., 2012, Machine Tool Genome Project Case Study, Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 21-October 26, San Diego, CA.

Machine Tool Genome Project Case Study Poster


The Influence of Curing Time on Hydroxide Catalysis Bonding Strength

Kim, H.S. and Schmitz, T., 2011, The Influence of Curing Time on Hydroxide Catalysis Bonding Strength, Proceedings of the American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, November 13-18, Denver, CO.

The Influence of Curing Time on Hydroxide Catalysis Bonding Strength Poster

Bayesian Updating Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Determine Force Coefficients in End Milling

Karandikar, J., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2011, Bayesian Updating Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Determine Force Coefficients in End Milling, Proceedings of the American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, November 13-18, Denver, CO.

Bayesian Updating Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Determine Force Coefficients in End Milling Poster

Thickness Measurements of the Gas Distribution Layer for a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

Pope, M., Schmitz, T., and Cox, P., 2011, Thickness Measurements of the Gas Distribution Layer for a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, Proceedings of the American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, November 13-18, Denver, CO.

Thickness Measurements of the Gas Distribution Layer for a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Poster

A New Machining Cost Calculator (MC2)

Johnson, M. and Schmitz, T., 2011, A New Machining Cost Calculator (MC2), Proceedings of the American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, November 13-18, Denver, CO.

A New Machining Cost Calculator Poster

Machine Tool Genome Project

Schmitz, T., Smith, S., Barton, D., Delio, T., and Dean, M., 2011, Machine Tool Genome Project, 2011 EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, November 3-5, 2011, Irvine, CA.

Machine Tool Genome Project Poster